
This is a model that sums up the most sought after sound features in the Spanish Flamenco scene.




This is a model that sums up the most sought after sound features in the Spanish Flamenco scene.

A powerful and responsive sound, with a pronounced bass tone.

Many specialised cajón makers in Spain have contributed in setting a number of characteristics that ended up creating a standard amongst Flamenco players.

Many of them demand extra resonance and sound projection, in order to compete in volume with dancers, because they often play in venues where amplification for the cajón is not provided.

Over the years, a recurring design for many models has been that of a slightly bigger cajón in size, and the use of phenolic glue amongst the plywood layers.

This type of plywood is particularly resonant, plus, the front panel is quite thick, being in excess of 3 mm.

Yet the crispness of the snare effect is provided by thicker guitar strings, which are also replaceable in this DG model.

It also features a fully screwed on tapa, which feature another DG quality: the surface of the tapa is slightly smaller than the frame, so it can be replaced several times, prolonging the lifespan of the cajón.

The feeling while playing the Tokayo, is somehow a boosted version of a standard cajón, while the definition and projection of the snare effect is preserved.

This, however, doesn´t necessarily mean that the Tokayo is a better model than the others: the extra resonance factor, can sometimes mean a necessary equalisation when using a microphone, so, in certain contexts, a less resonant cajón can be advisable.

Size: 50 x 30 x 30 cm

Sides : 9mm in 9 plies of Phenolic Birch
Back : 3 mm in 3 plies of Baltic Birch
Front : 3,5 mm in 3 plies of PhenolicBirch
Finish: satin polyurethane lacquer
Snare system: 2 tunable independent steel strings with Removable Snare System

Additional information

Weight 6 kg
Dimensions 33 × 33 × 51 cm


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